About Us
Erivolos: Rich crop from the fruitful Greek soil
The word “Erivolos” is known since the Homeric Age and it has been used to define the fertile and fruitful soil. In Homeric dialect “Erivolax” (Ancient Greek: ἐριβώλαξ) means rich, fertile and fruitful with regard to crop yield.
For our people, Erivolos means a tribute to the fruitful Greek soil that gives us its rich fruits with generosity. It also means great respect for the Greek nature and a true commitment to offer its fruits around the globe.
A new co-operative perception:
A producer-centric approach
The idea behind the establishment of the Erivolos Agricultural Co-operative is based on the honest intention of its founders to create a modern, open, transparent and accountable cooperative in order to promote a different co-operative approach in contrast with the dominant and, to a certain extent, outdated co-operative practice that witnessed in Greece over the past decades.
The true need for a modernization reform of the co-operative movement in Greece by putting producers at the core through their substantial indepedence and equality, the establishment of transparent decision-making processes and the adoption of a fair trade system led us to create our Innovative Agricultural Co-operative.
Our Vision
Our vision is to establish a more indepedent, fair, transparent and revolutionary model of co-operative whereas the sales of the producer products will take place prior to production.
In this context, the producer is absolutely dominant over his/her production, providing the production only in case the co-operative has reached a particular sales agreement.
It’s an innovative model of contract farming in the form of co-operative that is characterized by producer’s autonomy, the protection of his/her production as well as a fair payment system.
As procures, we aim to create a co-operative by producers exclusively for producers.
Our Philosophy
The major principles of our philosophy are equality, indepedence, trasparency and quality superiority on the basis of mutual benefits for all of our members and clients.
For us, co-operative means the following:
- Crystal-clear terms and conditions
- Transparent decision-making processes
- Guaranteed production sale
- Customized products for our clients
- Fair trade system
- Constant support to our producers
- Quality improvement at the production level
- Rigorous quality control throughout the production process
- Reward system for our producers based on quality criteria